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Анкети чоловіків




68-років  (12 May 1955)
Ріст: 178 см
Вага: 79 кг
Країна: USA

Анкета: 8174  (Поновлено 02 Feb 2018)

4 фотографії


Колір волосся: шатен
Колір очей: карі
Сімейний стан: розлучений
Діти: дочь - 36, сыновья - 34, 15 и 11 лет
Освіта: special, college
Знання мов: english, испанский
Вид діяльності: недвижимость
Релігія: христианин
Паління: ні
Алкоголь: ні

Мої інтереси, захоплення та хоббі:

Здоровый образ жизни, фитнес, семья, походы, велосипед, плавание, прогулки, путешестия, чтение, фильмы, мотоцикл Харли-Дэвидсон и многое других разных увлечений.

Про себе:

You see I woke up and found myself on the planet Mars, yes that’s right. My mother was an abductee and although I never knew my father, suspicions are that he was not of earthly origin. Given my humanoid appearance I am thankful for this much under the circumstances. Growing up was very interesting and I was treated well, even invited to Martian parties and social events, never mistreated in any way, the women on Mars well, youv'e seen the pictures, some what perplexing but on the other hand, I know things. Yet I longed for something which seemed to be missing. But know this, I’m a red hot daddy with a thousand volts, fully charged and hard wired. So when the opportunity presented itself I appropriated a space buggy to affect an escape. I then hopped in my buggy and began to sail the stars in search of what seemed to be missing in my life not fully aware of even what it was. As my search took me too many different planetary systems and encountering all the various life forms unknown to people of this world I still felt a need to find my past, somehow drawn to my internal essence. Utilizing technology available to me through the alliances I had secured through my celestial travels I was able to track my mother’s planet of origin. So began my quest to reach the planet known by people of this world as Earth, the journey was long and difficult. Upon my entrance to Earth’s atmosphere I encountered technical difficulties and was barely able to land my craft in an area know to some as Area 51. This was very unfortunate as my craft sustained damage and needed repairs. Then as though the situation was not bad enough I found myself under attack and my space buggy under apprehension by very aggressive and emotionally disturbed men. I barely managed an escape to save myself; all attempts to recover my craft were met with hostile actions. Unfortunately there are no enforceable laws that prohibit the theft of one’s space craft, given I had miss appropriated it initially, it had been in my possession, so I certainly felt my intergalactic rights had been violated. As far as the individuals whom apprehended my craft, they have serious psychological issues and I do not want to speak of it any further. Since I have been to this planet I have swung through the jungles of South America, traveled the streets of western and Eastern Europe, plowed through the ice packs of the far north and decided to settle here. Now here I have decided to investigate the potential of companionship with an Earth woman. Interesting creatures to say the least. It seems most have the same things in common, they love to shop, fine dining is to be expected, and travel certainly part of normal considerations, culturally stimulating social events are routinely attended. The pictures of most are shown with smiles so I'm feeling better already. As for me I like simple, honest and committed. I tend to live a healthy life style as a means to allow me to pursue the activities I enjoy which include travel, walking, hiking, swimming, diving, dancing, short road trips and every now and then a Harley ride. There are a lot of things I want to do just haven't gotten around to them yet but things have a way of coming at you so it's best to be ready, maybe bungee jumping. There is always some thing to do and never enough time. Researching history and health science is an interest I pursue when I have free time. I like most good music from country western, rock n roll, jazz, blues, not really trying to develop an appreciation for rap but ya never know. I like animals especially dogs as they tend to really like walks, cats are great but don't do as well on a leash and then horses are fun but parking them generally poses a problem. Family is always a good time and I look forward to the time we spend together. I'm very easy going and just looking for some thing real that has a long term possibility, I am not interested in changing some one to be somebody they are not. People are at their best as themselves.

Моє повідомлення:

Обычный мужчина хочет найти свою наилучшую половинку, ВАС.

Про партнера:

Жінка віком: від 26 до 46 років
Ріст: від 152 см до 168 см
Статура: струнка
Діти: так

Мої побажання:

Нормальный мужчина, полон жизни и энергии хочет найти свб женщину, чтобы вместе радоваться жизни.

Мої контакти:

E-mail  Телефон  Моб.телефон  Адреса

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