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60-років  (27 Dec 1963)
Ріст: 175 см
Вага: 61 кг
Країна: Lebanon

Анкета: 23660  (Поновлено 19 Sep 2018)

6 фотографій


Колір волосся: брюнет
Колір очей: зелені
Сімейний стан: неодружений
Діти: ні
Освіта: university
Знання мов: english, german, french, Арабский, испанский
Вид діяльності: Доктор, клинический психолог
Релігія: inter - religion
Паління: ні
Алкоголь: тільки в компанії

Мої інтереси, захоплення та хоббі:

Чтение, плавание, катание на лыжах, прогулки, путешествия, парусный спорт, рыбалка, слушать музыку, танцевать, пикник, кемпинг ...

Про себе:

I'm a single man a strange one and a single minded person, a strong one who is seared and cleansed once with my own tears for true great love, so I will remain pure forevermore. I look up high to see only the light, and never look down to see my shadow. By true love, l could live on the fragrance of the earth, and like an air plant be sustained by the light. I'm unlimited in heart and mind. I'm impelled by a strong, unknown emotion. But from a sensitive woman's heart springs my happiness, and from the kindness of her noble soul comes my affection. There is no affection purer and more soothing to my soul than the one hidden in the heart of a woman who awakens suddenly and fills her own soul with tenderness. My soul is like a flower that folds its petal when dark comes, and breathes not its fragrance into the phantoms of the nights, but certainly into the light. I'm now a most enlightened person regarding the needs of the woman's heart - that throbbing heart which is like a bird flying in the spacious sky of love. It's like a book in whose pages, I can read the chapter of happiness and misery, joy and pain, laughter and sorrow. No one can read this book except the true companion who is the other half of the woman, created for her since the beginning of the world. I look upon the true light of love, so I see my inner reality. My inner self dwells not alone in my being. I like life and love in all their manifestations. I stand alone listening to the voice of hope in my deep self. I let my soul exalt my reason to the height of my passion. Thus I should rest in reason and move in passion. My pain is the bitter potion by which the physician within me heals my sick self. My pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses my mind and my understanding. Verily, much of my pain is self chosen. My soul is my friend who consoles me in my misery, and distress of life. My life emerges from my within, and derives not from environs. Moreover, I have a strong personality, a high self confidence, and a good sense of humor. I'm strong willed, independent, romantic, but I'm very sensual. I'm intelligent, open minded, serious, honest, decent, sincere, patient, persistent, very bold, courageous, valiant, refined, talented, cheerful and optimistic. I'm well mannered, manifold, and many sided. I will stay clean, upright, transparent, charitable, fair to the oppressed, hard on people oppressors, patient in pain, strong and above all lowly passions. But I always say: Save me, God, from myself, cleanse me of all my impurities. Forge me in the forge of Your Right. In fact, It's impossible to speculate even generally upon my soul age, for my face, through youthful, is unrevealing, and my deep eyes reflect years of meditations, thoughts, and sufferings. Seven thousand years have been passed since the day of my first birth. All things in this vast universe exist in me, with me, and for me. My dreams and affections are ever-living. There is no greater gift to me than that which turns all my aims into patching lips and all my life into a fountain. Otherwise, I'm very fond of music and dance, because dancing give me the chance to express my emotions, and it arouses different feelings in my soul. So I'm very calm in my life, but very crazy in my love. I'm very educated, I always develop myself and I treat others the way I want them to treat me. My power and my self confidence came from some great reservoir of spiritual life, else from a rare and distinctive flavor of honest thoughts and meditations. The delicacy of my mind, the visions of my inner eyes, and the vast, but simple, insight displayed by my every thought, combine to present a distinctive conception for life and love. I always explain the deepest impulses of human's heart and mind which inform my work. I'm a very single minded person, a strange man, born in the shadow of the Holy Cedars of Lebanon, beside Kahlil Gibran's museum & center, spending my time to exhibit my weirdly beautiful approach to life and love. I have a specific recognizable message to convey and to bring to the inner consciousness of my future beloved quickly, clearly, and effortlessly. I can appreciate her feelings and affections, helping her to satisfy her dreams, desires, and fantasies. So my power and feelings herein, give new force to my personality and to my self confidence. I earnestly feel the genuineness of the message I endeavor to carry to her. Then I can read what her life has written upon her face, saying to her: come my beloved, come close to me, oh beloved of my soul, embrace me, for I feel loneliness. Let's look upon each other. You can't fail to recognize in me the strong expression of a passionate urge to improve an impulse that fired my mind and heart from childhood. In fact, if human relationship are wrong, no other factors of life can really matter, but in what fashion can existence on earth be fulfilled when love departs or friendship withers? Now I drive these words to the heart of my future beloved, and like the music, of which the composer wish to say: from my heart the music sprung and to the listener's heart it shall penetrate, my best future beloved will be like the best music instrument; if I don't know how to use it properly, I will hear only discordant music. My body is also the music instrument of my soul. Moreover, by love, we shall smile and laugh together, and together we shall dig graves for all that dies in us. Inside me there is a power that rages and drives me into a madness which extinguishes only before gratification of desire. So I declare: madness in love is lust, madness in art is creation, madness in thinking is genius, and madness in poetry is wisdom. I adore love and beauty because they are the reflection of God in me. And what I say now in my solitude will be spread tomorrow by the multitude. I'm writing these words to my future beloved who will be everything in my life: consolation in time of sorrowing, hope in the time of grieving, and power in the moments of weakness. And me, I will be for her, the fountainhead of passion, tenderness, affection, compassion, and the bosom upon which she can rest her head, and the eyes which watch over her. Thus, by this sweet relationship, our desires, pleasures, dreams, and fantasies will be satisfied by a crazy love and a calm life. Then I call this relationship: a sweet responsibility and never an opportunity. Personally, I refuse to live by traditions, customs, and man-made laws. Instead, I want to live by kindness which should be the source of every law upon the earth, for kindness is the shadow of God in me. In fact, the great love makes miracles and heals from diseases. It changes everything without changing itself. It has a quenchless desire of renewal, but at the same time, it has an independence which is constant. Love is boundless, undivided, parceless, freeing me from despair and jealousy. So I prefer death through happiness of love a thousandfold to life in vain and despair. I prefer to be a dreamer among modest and poor men, than being a rich man among those who are without dreams and desires. Eventually, by love, my second nature can transform me in one new person. So I must be devoted to love and life, because, what I get out of it, depends of what I put into it... And all my life, I have been searching for the true love, for a face, for a look... I'm perpetually in a state of wandering... searching... my future beloved. It's so easy to find a person to live with, but it's so hard to find the one without whom I can't live.

Моє повідомлення:

Hi my angel You are my best dream since childhood. You are the only one that I’m looking for. Surely, you will win my heart. You are a very sexy lady. You look perfect to make me crazy in love. How splendid, marvelous beauty which can hypnotize me and win me over! How wonderful physical and spiritual accord in one lady! Splendid soul and gorgeous body in one woman! Your inner beauty can transform my life into happiness, and fill the silence of my nights with compassion and tenderness. How attractive and magic ray emanating from your soul in order to illuminate my life! Please read carefully and deeply my profile, I will stun you. You will discover that my soul age stay 20 years for ever. My soul stay virgin like yours. Love has no ages. Great men, including statesmen, were generally influenced by beautiful and seductive women, like you, in their lives. It’s said: "behind (or beside) a great man there is a woman". I'm a strong extraordinary man who is seared and cleansed once with my own tears for true great love, so I will remain pure and virgin forevermore. I look up high to see only the light, and never look down to see my shadow. I look upon the true light of love. Now I find you, my soulmate, I find this real light which will illuminate my future love and life. I'm unlimited in heart and mind. I'm impelled by a strong, unknown emotion toward you. From your sensitive heart springs my future happiness. And from the kindness of your noble soul comes my affection. There is no affection purer and more soothing to my soul than the one hidden in your heart. Your heart and your soul are like the flowers that fold their petals when dark comes, and breathe their fragrance into the sun's rays. I'm now a most enlightened person regarding the needs of your heart - that throbbing heart which is like a bird flying in the spacious sky of love. Do you want to fly with me to the universe of love? Your personal charm create in me the supreme thoughts, the beautiful dreams, and the extraordinary fantasies and emotions... You possess a high positive energy to win me over, to give me more strong personality, more self confidence, and more strong will. Nobody believes your sincerity except the honest, like me. I'm an extraordinary man, an idealist, but very excessive in love to the point of madness. But madness in love is lust, and my lust is very high. I'm very calm in my life but very crazy in my love. Do you want to create a new love story, like Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)? I'm ready, and ready to fall in your deep love. I will be the best reliable lover to you. Here, in my country, people call me "Pouchkine", and sometimes, they call me "Tolstoy". Don't forget that your life is so precious, and made from desires and fantasies which must be satisfied and realized. I can help you for that. I advice you to be very proud of your femininity and your sensuality, but try never to be shy if your lust becomes very high, and if you feel that you're very sensual like me. In addition, I want to see you, face to face, as soon as possible. I don't like to write many messages, but I want to live, to feel your true love for ever. Personally, I believe in eternal love. And finally, please, give me your address and your email. Many gentle, tender caresses, and many warm embraces for you, with many passionate kisses. I want to print a long warm kiss on your burning lips, and I want to hold you between my arms for ever.

Про партнера:

Жінка віком: від 20 до 35 років
Ріст: від 168 см до 180 см

Мої побажання:

Love has no ages. Age is just a number. I prefer her between 18 and 32 years old: Very elegant, charming, exciting, cute, gorgeous, seductive and attractive. Romantic and very sensual. Extrovert, open kind heart. Very tender, affectionate and passionate. Jovial, joyful, cheerful, and optimistic. Very fond of being petted, and she longs to be hugged and cuddled. She has a good sense of humour and she possess unlimited feelings and sentiments. She has a nice behavior and good habit. She likes music and dance, because dancing gives her the chance to express her emotions, and arouses different feelings in her soul. And finally, she must be very proud of her femininity and her sensuality.

Мої контакти:

E-mail  Телефон  Моб.телефон  Адреса

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