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Анкети чоловіків




51-рік  (07 Apr 1973)
Ріст: 185 см
Вага: 86 кг
Країна: USA

Анкета: 17875  (Поновлено 03 Sep 2015)

4 фотографії


Колір волосся: шатен
Колір очей: карі
Сімейний стан: розлучений
Діти: дочь - 16 лет
Освіта: college
Знання мов: english
Вид діяльності: Инженер исследователь, инвестор
Релігія: лютеранин
Паління: ні
Алкоголь: тільки в компанії

Мої інтереси, захоплення та хоббі:

Я люблю озера, катание на лыжах рыбалку на плавучем доме и отдых в кемпинге. Я люблю катание на лодках, барбекю и просто радоваться жизни.

Про себе:

Я простой приятный мужчина, которого вы когда-либо встречали. Я могу поладить с любым и люблю шутить и смеяться. Но я серьезный в работе, потому что я должен иногда работать до 120 часов в неделю. Но я очень люблю свою работу. I am the easiest going guy you will ever meet. I can get along with anyone and I can... and do make everyone, laugh as much as possible. I make my friends laugh so hard that we are crying and are stomachs hurt... But I am serious when I have to be. I am charming, funny, caring, protective, affectionate, enthusiastic devoted, forgiving, generous, honest and real., I know you are not perfect but you try so hard for me, And I will thank God that you are not perfect because how boring would that be. It is the little imperfections and the sudden change in plans, when you misread are map but it is ok we are lost but still holding hands, I live for little moments like that, will you join me?

Моє повідомлення:

Я ищу женщину для создания семьи. Я не здесь, чтобы играть с эмоциями. Я серьезен и устал от одиночества. Еще с 13 лет я всегда чувствовал, что моя будущая женщина живет в другой стране, поэтому сейчас я ищу ее .... может это вы? ... Напишите мне, пожалуйста .... Ill never forget the first time that I heard, your pretty mouth say that dirty word, And I cant even remember now what you backed my truck in to, you covered your mouth and your face got red and you looked just so darn cute, that I couldn't even act like I was mad, I am looking forward to me and you having little moments like that. Like this last year on my birthday when you lost track of time and burned the cake, and every fire detector in the house was going off, and you were just about to cry when I took you in my arms, and I tried not.... to let you see... me laugh.... I am looking for you and me to share the best things in life which include ...little moments like that....Hope you wanna be the one to share this with me, I been looking for you sweety.

Про партнера:

Жінка віком: від 23 до 35 років
Ріст: від 152 см до 180 см
Статура: не важливо

Мої побажання:

Она любит смеяться, очень честная, легко ладит с людьми. Преданна своему мужчине... Она любит веселиться и быть любимой и уважаемой мною. Она не только моя жена, но и мой самый лучший друг ... She is a Saturday out on the town and a church girl on Sunday. Shes a cross around her neck and a cuss word because its Monday. Shes a bubble bath and candles, baby come and kiss me, shes a one glass of wine and she is feeling kinda tipsy, Shes a giver I wish I could be and a stealer of the covers, shes a picture in my wallet and my future new born babies mother.Shes the hand that I am holding when I am on my knees and praying, and shes the answer to my prayers and in every song that is playing....shes everything she wants to be and I am also because she is in it....big heart, sweet, and kind. doesnt want to live to fight and argue but instead lives to fight for a incredible life with each other because we only have one life and I want to finish it with my one and only love that I will never betray her and she will do the same for me.. because she will be so sweet, and in love with me and me her, when she looks at me I will see that sparkle and glow in your eyes because when we have that life is incredible even if we are just watching a movie together sitting on the couch.. Makes nights like that incredible with my other half. I tried to do it alone and it is impossible. So come and make my life incredible so I may do the same for you, It will be my pleasure.

Мої контакти:

E-mail  Телефон  Моб.телефон  Адреса

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